Mine is a writer’s life.

November 25, 2022

Eagle Bay pits a brilliant Oregon Coast business maverick and philanthropist against his once loving and always competent adversary – his ex-wife. I was told by someone who has read and edited 3000 manuscripts that Eagle Bay has more plausible twists and surprises than anything he’s reviewed. My hope is that readers will get engrossed with each character and be unable to put the book down. Even better, when they put it down they tell their significant other – wow.

A person tries to master the craft of writing, but a person never masters the craft of writing. Writing stories and turning them into books is challenging journey, and it takes years to reap the fruits of your labor. I have spent enormous time trying to achieve a dream, and I’m just now preparing to launch my first two works of fiction! It’s an exhausting pursuit, but always exhilarating. When I tell other writers that I love the process of editing, they sometimes shake their heads and remark, “Come on.” But I do – and good thing, because I spend one hell of a lot of time doing it! There are thousands of books available to would-be authors, but the the most valuable I have come across is Stephen King’s On Writing. If you aspire to put pen to paper, read the book early and often. Just writing this paragraph reminds me I need to read it again.

Cheers from the Sonoran Desert!

Images above: Ken and Son Ken in 1988, a Green Beret hero, Ken and Karen in fall 2022, the cover for my upcoming debut thriller EAGLE BAY, the cover of my memoir, and a teaser.

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